The plantation community (Indian Origin Tamils) was disenfranchised inthe late forties and made stateless to deny social and legitimate rights.
There had been a forty years hiatus created due to the so-called disenfranchisement.
The disparity continued until1977, when the Grate Leader, Late Hon. Saumyamoorthi Thondaman, National Leaderrepresented the India Diaspora in Sri Lanka, entered the Parliament by ballotfrom the Nuwara Eliya District.
In the year 1978, late Hon.Thondaman sworn in as the Cabinet Minister.
The issue of asymmetrical delivery of service such as “Education, Socio Economic Development, Employment Opportunitiesin the government and Private Sectors, Housing, Infrastructure Development”etc., was gradually but steadily resolved by late Hon. Thondaman.
Notwithstanding hisindefatigable effort to have the community served as equal as the othercommunities in Sri Lanka, we have still areas needing appropriate and timelyattention owing to the forty years hiatus referred to above, which keeps thecommunity lagging behind in comparison with that of the communities in SriLanka.

Comprehensive details ofthe two interdependent projects are attached hereto for your kind perusal andnecessary advice and support.
The project activities arepresently undertaken based on funding by well-wishers, celebrities andphilanthropists from among the community, living abroad. With the expansion of programme, the flow offunding is felt insufficient and invites donor funding.
With the programme havinggathered momentum amongst all section of the community and the need to have theprogramme expanded towards the 450 Tea, Rubber and Coconut Estates, in otherwords 2,500 Divisions of Plantation Sector, we are bound to go for DonorFunding from Donor Organizations worldwide.
You being a recognizedpersonality in the States and get on well with various categories ofOrganizations and Celebrities, it is our opinion that you would well be in aposition to assist us to build up a solid Global Partnership.
BY: Mr. Nallusamy - AKEC Manager - Kotagala
it's also good article.because everyboday doesn't know about Plantation Community.Fie.